Scam Prevention

Been scammed? - Call us today. We’ll keep you protected…

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Don't let the scammers win

We’ve seen some horrible examples of theft and scams done to people both young and old ...So just because you been scammed don’t think it is down to gullibility. It’s not – these low-life are skilled criminal confidence tricksters who have NO MORALS and actively go after the lonely and people in difficult situations. Often the story begins sometime before the event. Answering a market survey phone call or entering into pointless games on Facebook. If you answer and engage you are put on a list of candidates.

Common scams

  • You receive a call from overseas or UK blank call number stating that they are from “Windows”, “Microsoft” or more recently TalkTalk or BT. They say they have detected a virus on their system. What follows is a long process often taking hours to extort money through pointless remote services that do nothing. They leave malware and key logger virus’s that send all your passwords banking details to a foreign server for later attack.
  • You visit an innocent website that has been infected with malware. Suddenly a pop-up on your screen advises that hundreds of virus’s have been detected and you have to pay £100 to have them cleaned. 
  • You receive an email with an attachment from a friend. It’s a virus & your friend didn't send it. The result is your data is encrypted and your system is held to ransom until you pay hundreds of £££’s. All ages have been targeted, they don’t care simply Inform the authorities and your bank. Failure to act could affect your claim so contact you bank and the police immediately and the nation Fraud Action line on 03001232040 – when you’ve done that call us! See below

Our Service (If you’ve been scammed)

We will…
  • Visit you in your home courteously and with understanding go through the whole process of the fraud. 
  • We will Inspect your system for Viruses and Malware left behind to spy on you once you’ve aloud your system to become compromised.
  • We help you - Go through all your online purchase mechanisms and help you change passwords to supermarket, stores, bank accounts. Pay-Pal, E-bay and Amazon. Without of course us knowing the passwords.
  • Teach you how to easily remember passwords, change them and document them in a safe place 
  • Make sure the protection for “Ransomeware” and Malware and Virus’s is in place and works.
  • We Advise you on how to buy – what to purchase with and most importantly where to safely buy from.
  • The not so obvious rules of being on the internet in the third decade of the 21st Century 

The Rules to stop it happening in the first place 

When it comes to using your PC or Laptop on a day to day basis it’s very useful (and safer) to keep in mind the following….

  • Don’t accept any calls from people saying they are from TalkTalk, BT or any other major service provider - these are always scams. They will never call you out of the blue – EVER!
  • If you land on a web page and told your system has virus’s then DO ignore the request. – It is a scam. Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds until your system goes off. Crude but effective.
  • If anyone asks to remote access your computer DON’T allow them to access your system. They are the scammers.
  • If your bank calls you out of the blue - DON’T provide any information or confirm anything including you contact details – PUT THE PHONE DOWN - call the bank back on another telephone line (a mobile perhaps) to confirm their call. On the telephone number provided on your bank statement.
  • Prompts to accept updates - Do allow all Microsoft security updates. Generally, allow all Adobe or Java updates unless they appear as a “popup” in the middle of your web page. Acceptable updates are found by the clock on your home screen.

Our service is not expensive and carries a fixed price – and is tailored to your needs – courteous and understanding and is aimed to give you peace of mind.

Mobile: 07838199007
We are your SAFE port of call. 
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